Mystic's Locker

Mystic likes to keep her cookies goodies safe... but it seems that she has forgotten her combination... well, not really forgot, she just smudged the password. >.>; Please help Mystic get the safe open before her cookies go bad!


- The combination to the safe is three numbers. These numbers range anywhere from 00 to 30.
- When entering the combination, any number from 0 to 9 needs to be entered "00" or "09" - don't forget the zero!
- Also when entering your numbers, DO NOT enter any spaces, hyphens, dashes, etc. Example: 011529
- If you get the right combination, you'll get a reward. You can keep entering numbers until you get the right answer!

Hint: The first number is somewhere between 00-15; the second number is higher than the first number as well as the third number; the third number is twice the size of the first number, plus 2.