Member Cards

Most TCGs give you only one member card when you first join. Some give you an entire member card deck by just submitting your images to the owner. Here at Mystic Cards the only way to have your own member cards is by accomplishing certain tasks. As you complete more and more tasks, you gain more and more member cards. Member Cards will be treated like "Special" cards - each of them varying on how rare/special they are.

What is a Member Card?

A member card is a card dedicated to you - you choose the image, Mystic whips a card up with her templates, and tada! member card. However, at MC you don't get just 1 member card... you get a whole deck ranging anywhere from 1 card to infinite (yeah, that's right, infinite), depending on how active you are at MC.

How do I get Member Cards?

Like I said, by accomplishing certain tasks and being an active member of MC. Below is a break down on how to get member cards:

Being a Prejoiner - You can only get a Prejoiner Member Card once. Anyboby who joins before August 8th, 2009 will get this type of Member Card. Once Prejoining is over, no more Prejoiner cards will be made and the distribution of Prejoiner cards (through MC) will more than likely be close to none.

Joining Mystic Cards - Everyone, including Prejoiners, will get a Member Card upon sign up. These will be semi-regularly circulated by MC and other members.

Referrals - Every time you refer someone, you get a Referral Member Card. Rarity depends on the number of referrals.

Level Up - Moving up in the levels also gets you a Level Up Member Card. Rarity depends on the amount of Level-ups.

Mastery - Once you master an entire deck (collecting all 30 card - see here), you'll receive 2 Member Cards.

Donation - Depending on what you donate, you'll receive 1 Member Card. To get a Donate Member Card you can either A.) Donate 2 Card Decks, B.) 1 Layout C.)2 Level Badge Sets, or D.) 3 sets of Link Buttons. Same restrictions for donating apply.

Birthday - If it's your birthday, you get 2 Birthday Member Cards. These cards can only be circulated by the member that has them.

So, What Do I Get?

For every 15 Member cards you collect (no doubles! but will include 1 of each of your member cards (if you have copies of it)) you'll earn 1000 Sparkle points, 4 random cards, 1 Card of Choice, & 2 random cards from a choice deck.

If you really want to cash in, collect 8 Prejoin Member Cards (can include your own (only 1 copy), no doubles! & can be included in your 15 Member card goal) and you'll earn 2000 Sparkle Points, 6 random cards, 2 Choice cards, & 3 Random cards from choice deck.

To redeem your member cards, use the Mastery form - just disregard the member card fields and other fields that don't pretain to this.

Once more member cards of other types are made, this will be updated with more goodies. -nodnod-

In the End....

You can have as many cards as you want as long as you participate at MC. However, there is a catch. When you first receive a member card, you can trade that card up to 3 times. Once you've traded that member card 3 times, you'll need to "purchase" more member cards at the Shop.

What A Member Deck Looks Like

Remember, you get to select the image that goes onto the card, so your deck won't look exactly like mine. -nodnod-

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Mystic Cards is owned and operated by Mystic & is a part of the Mystic Angel Network.
Mystic claims no rights to the images she uses - all images are owned by their respective creators.
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