Guilty Pleasures "GP" Shop

Welcome to Mystic Cards' Shop - Guilty Pleasures. This is where you can spend all those hard earned Sparkle Points on cards, goodies, and more. -nodnod-
  • Just so everyone is aware, this is a first come, first serve store. There is only a certain amount of goodies available, so if you don't get here soon enough, things may sell out.
  • There is no limit on how much you can buy, as long as you have enough Sparkle Points to cover the cost - I will not accept a combination of Sparkle Points and Cards or cards by themselves unless otherwise stated.
  • Please remember to subtract the number of Sparkle Points you spend from your total on your Trading Post!

Items quanity description price
5 1 Random Card from Choice Deck 100pts
4 3 Random Cards 75pts
0 2 Cards of Choice Deck 200pts
4 1 Choice Special 750pts
0 Halloween #20 150pts
0 Halloween #29 150pts
0 Halloween #31 150pts
0 Grab Bag #1 50pts
2 Grab Bag #3 250pts
0 Grab Bag #5 1000pts
9 3 copies of your member card 250pts
6 3 copies of your level up card 150pts
10 3 copies of your donation card 150pts
2 3 copies of your prejoin member card 2000pts
9 3 copies of your referral card 100pts
1 3 copies of your master card 300pts


If you want anything featured in the shop, fill out the form below!


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Mystic Cards is owned and operated by Mystic & is a part of the Mystic Angel Network.
Mystic claims no rights to the images she uses - all images are owned by their respective creators.
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